Voice and Location Based Appliance Automation System Using Mobile Cloud
Varun Singh Nagar1, Subhash Chand Gupta2
1Varun Singh Nagar, Computer Science And Engineering, Amity, School Of Engineering And Technology, Noida, India.
2Subhash Chand Gupta, Computer Science And Engineering, Amity, School Of Engineering And Technology, Noida, India.
Manuscript received on March 01, 2014. | Revised Manuscript received on March 24, 2014. | Manuscript published on April 30, 2014. | PP: 287-288  | Volume-3, Issue-4, April 2014. | Retrieval Number:  D2962043414/2013©BEIESP

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Abstract: We are in the information technology age. Mobile technology is getting a fast pace in this older population has more ratio than other age group. Smart phones are a great enhancing the use of technology and its advancement. In this paper we are going to present the modular based home automation system environment and the technologies required to achieve the goal of automation. This concept uses voice commands to act as commands to control the appliances in context to home office or car. Cloud platform is used for processing of commands on the air and dispatched from cloud server to controlling modules at home, office or car respectively. As cloud computing is the future of information sharing and shared resource utilization with optimization. This also brief the challenges involved in implementing voice based appliance automation using cloud platform. As it is evident that home automation is in its immature state so other technological challenges should be considered which can affect the system.
Keywords: Android, Cloud, Home automation, Speech recognition, Voice based.