VC Using Lempel-Ziv-Welch Algorithm
Anandhi1, G. Gunasekaran2, S.Satthiyaraj3
1Anandhi, Research Scholar, Computer Science St. peters University, Avadi, Chennai, (Tamil Nadu), India.
2Dr. G. Gunasekaran, Computer Science St. peters University, Avadi, Chennai, (Tamil Nadu), India.
3S.Satthiyaraj,  Assistant Professor, EEE, Dr. Pauls Engineering College, Villupuram, (Tamil Nadu), India.
Manuscript received on January 17, 2013. | Revised Manuscript received on February 03, 2013. | Manuscript published on February 28, 2013. | PP: 60-64 | Volume-2 Issue-3, February 2013.  | Retrieval Number: C0998022313 /2013©BEIESP

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Abstract: Visual cryptography is one of the techniques used to encrypt the images by dividing the original image into transparencies. The transparencies can be sent to the intended person, and at the other end the transparencies received person can decrypt the transparencies using the tool, thus gets the original image. The proposed Visual cryptography provides the demonstration to the users to show how encryption and decryption can be done to the images. In this technology, the end user identifies an image, which is not the correct image. That is, while transmitting the image the sender will encrypt the image using the application here sender gets the two or more transparencies of the same image. The application provides an option to the end user of encryption. The end user can divide the original image into number of different images. Using the application we can send encrypted images that are in the format of GIF and PNG. The encrypted transparencies can be saved in the machine and can be sent to the intended person by other means. 
Keywords: Image processing, visual Cryptography Scheme (VCS), GIF Encoding, Decoding.