Design of Fixed WiMAX Transceiver on SUI Channels Based Wavelet Signals
Md Aboud Kadhim1, Hazim Salah2, Abdulsatar3, Tahseen Flaih Hasan4
1Dr. Mohammed Aboud Kadhim, Foundation of Technical Education, Baghdad, Iraq.
2Hazim Salah Abdulsatar, Institute of Technology Baghdad, Iraq.
3Tahseen Flaih Hasan, Institute of Technology Baghdad, Iraq.
Manuscript received on November 25, 2013. | Revised Manuscript received on December 15, 2013. | Manuscript published on December 30, 2013. | PP: 146-150  | Volume-3, Issue-2, December 2013. | Retrieval Number:  B2330123213/2013©BEIESP

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Abstract: As the application for wireless communications increases, even in wideband and fast fading channels, there is always a need to develop systems that are more efficient and robust. The work done in this paper is our effort in this direction. Based on the wavelet transform, we develop an OFDM WiMAX system with good performance for Stanford University Interim (SUI) channels rich in multipath. As of fundamental wavelet transform characteristics and expressing the temporal and frequency information in two independent dimensions, delay and scale, we develop a theoretical system model for SUI channels. Considering the computational complexity, the models are designed using the Haar wavelet transform. Using the wavelet transform to calculate the channel delay information is the core component of the system .It is found that proposed wavelet design to attain much lower bit error rates, increases signal to noise power ratio (SNR), and can be used as an alternative to the conventional OFDM WiMAX. The proposed OFDM system was modelled tested, and its performance was found under different SUI channel models. This paper performs a new approach to the adaptation of the Fixed WiMAX IEEE802.16d base band, OFDM based on wavelet (DWT-OFDM) in SUI channel.