Importance of Shape and Weight towards the Recital of Simple Adaptive Median Filter in Plummeting Impulse Noise Level from Digital Images
Saurabh Karsoliya
Saurabh Karsoliya, Maulana Azad National Institute of Technology Bhopal (M.P.), India.
Manuscript received on November 25, 2012. | Revised Manuscript received on December 13, 2012. | Manuscript published on December 30, 2012. | PP: 411-413 | Volume-2, Issue-2, December 2012.  | Retrieval Number: B0977112212 /2012©BEIESP

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Abstract: Noise is impulse on images due to several aspects like malfunctioning in pixels due to camera sensor, transmission of images in noisy channel, hardware problem etc. This study reviews various techniques for removal of impulse noise. To reduce the impulse noise level in Digital images various filters were introduced amongst which Simple Adaptive Median (SAM) is one of the method which uses Hybrid Technique of Adaptive Median Filter And Switching Median Filter. SAM filter which uses Square Filter as its basis has an ability to change the size of the filter spatially based on the approximated local noise level. Based on Local Noise Level on digital images size of filter is changed i.e. Square Filter Technique is used basically in SAM. SAM was compared with three derivatives namely Weighted SAM (WSAM), Circular SAM (CSAM) and Weighted CSAM (WCSAM) and images were restored maximum of Impulse Noise, but as Circular Filter has complicated implementation that resulted in increase of execution time. This study investigates the effect of shape and weight on digital images using SAM filter and restore all the digital images impulse with noise with reducing execution time for all three derivatives.
Keywords: Impulse, Noise Level, Digital Image, SAM.