Volume-14 Issue-3, February 2025
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Volume-14 Issue-3, February 2025, ISSN: 2249-8958 (Online)
Published By: Blue Eyes Intelligence Engineering and Sciences Publication (BEIESP)
Spatial and Temporal Variation of Hydrological and Geometrical Parameters Across River Oyan, Ogun State, South Western Nigeria
Kumolu Olumide Ayodeji1, Adegbola Adedayo Ayodele2, Olaniyan Olatunji Sunday3
An Ensemble Learning Framework for Robust Cyberbullying Detection on Social Media
Mohammed Hisham Saeed1, Shakaib Ahmed Mohammed2, Taufeeq Noamaan3, Rania Mehreen Farooq4, Mohammed Abdul Raheem5
AI Pattern Recognition and its Features
Prashant Bansal
Emerging Need for Disruption in the Next Trend of Artificial Intelligence-Controlled Transformation Using Knowledge Mining
Nirmla Sharma1, Sameera Iqbal Muhmmad Iqbal2
Designing a Probable Engine for Future Supersonic Transport Aircraft
Moses Olushola Onilede
Dr. Mahdi Hosseini
Post Doc. (Structural Engg.), Ph.D.(Structural Engg.), M.Tech.(Structural Engg.), B.Tech.(Civil Engg.)
Associate Professor, Department of Building Engineering, Nanjing Forestry University, China.
Links: Google Scholar, ORCID, Scopus, WOS
Specialization: Structural Engineering, Structural Dynamics, Structural Analysis and Design, High Rise Structures, Reinforced Concrete Structures, Seismic Analysis of Buildings, Earthquake Engineering.
General Editors
Dr. Gamal Abd El-Nasser Ahmed Mohamed Said
Ph.D.(CS), M.Sc.(CS), B.Sc.(EE)
Manager of Education & Training Port Training Institute Arab Academy for Science & Technology and Maritime Transport, Egypt.
Links: Google Scholar, ORCID, Scopus
Specialization: Artificial Intelligence, Optimization, Modeling & Simulation, Smart Ports, Algorithms
Dr. Ahmed A. Elngar
Ph.D.(CS), M.Tech.(CS), B.Sc.(CS)
Member of IEEE, ACM, Elsevier, Springer
Assistant Professor, Faculty of Computers & Artificial Intelligence, Department of Computer Science, Beni-Suef University Beni-Suef, Egypt.
Links: Google Scholar, ORCID, Scopus
Specialization: Internet of Things (IoT), Network Security, Artificial Intelligence
Associate Editors
Dr. Gujjar Nagamalleswara Rao
Ph.D.(ME), M.Tech.(Heat Power Engg.), B.Tech.(ME)
Professor & Principal, Department of Mechanical Engineering, Eswar College of Engineering, Kesanapalli (A.P), India.
Links: Google Scholar
Specialization: Non-Conventional Energy Sources, Composite Materials, Design and Analysis
Prof. K. Gopal Ram
M.Tech (Electronics and Control), B.Tech (Electronics & Communication Engineering)
Assistant Professor, Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering, Stella Mary's College of Engineering, Ganapathipuram (Tamil Nadu), India.
Links: Google Scholar, ORCID, WOS
Specialization: Electronics