Modelling Of Photovoltaic Systems for Power Grid Equipped Houses as Partial Lighting System
V.Thiyagarajan1, V.Sekar2
1V.Thiyagarajan, Ph. D Research Scholar, CMJ University, Shillong, Meghalaya, India.
2V.Sekar, Principal, Dhanalakshmi Srinivasan Institute of Technology, (Tamil Nadu), India.
Manuscript received on November 26, 2012. | Revised Manuscript received on December 10, 2012. | Manuscript published on December 30, 2012. | PP: 171-175 | Volume-2, Issue-2, December 2012.  | Retrieval Number: B0895112212 /2012©BEIESP

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Abstract: This paper is proposed as a guide for PV programmer planners during the process of planning and implementing their projects to make sure that they continue on a sustained basis. This paper details four phases of PV programmer planning: the preparation of PV programmer, programmer design, implementation and monitoring/ evaluation. This should also be used once the programmer developer has a clear concept for a feasible plans and should be useful to all the decision-makers in the process of developing programmer, may be they are host governments in developing countries, PV programmer developers and sponsors, PV producers and suppliers, entrepreneurs, or NGOs. This Paper is deals with preparation for PV programmer, including needs assessment, stakeholder consultation, social context analysis, supply options and national policy considerations and Design of PV programmer, including establishment of goals, delivery modes, timelines, and logistics and quality assurance. A number of methodologies have been developed over the years with the aim of improving programmer design and implementation. This paper is intended to highlight the issues related to a rural energy programmer in developing countries rather than providing an in-depth step by step methodology to standard programmed design, planning and implementation. Though the focus of this paper is on PV technologies, much of the discussion will apply to other rural decentralized energy systems. Solar-based electricity for our houses is essential nowadays as the monthly power bills are escalating regularly. Also, the whole world is now facing the challenge ‘global warming’. By using eco friendly and green technologies, we would help reduce global warming and help climate change mitigation. Integrated LED modules and other DC operated Electrical equipment conserve energy as they are energy-efficient, possess long-life and require less maintenance. Mini PV powered structure has been designed, analysed and tested in power grid equipped house as a partial lighting system with cost analysis.
Keywords: Developing countries, PV, Solar Home Systems [SHS], Programmer Design, Planning, Implementation, Deployment.